I’ve been off the grid for a few days around here. Mainly, I’ve been cranking on getting the new version of our inter::mission website launched. Sooooo painful for a non-developer like me. But just shy of midnight last night everything fell into place. It ain’t impressive, but the train wreck of a site it replaces makes it look much better. It’ll do.
I got to hang out with John Chandler over coffee yesterday. Fun stuff – it was a helpful, refreshing break.
Today I’m getting my hair cut. O.k., so that’s a mundane detail of life that ought not be blogged, right? Well, the significance is that it’s my first cut in nearly a year. I’ve experimented with growing it out. It just never quite got to the point I was hoping for, and Michelle, well, she’s never really been into the idea of me growing it out. She keeps trying to remind me that even though I hang out with twenty-somethings all the time, I’m not one myself any more. I don’t know how short I’m cutting it – I’m pretty much gonna tell my stylist that she’s got a blank canvas and she can do whatever she wants . . . except I’ve got a big scary scar on the back of my dome, so shaving it down to nothing isn’t really in play.
Time to get on with the day. My posting here may be very light over the next couple weeks . . . I’ll have to report on stuff after the fact.