Thursday, May 18, 2006
Every so often we all end up in a space where we're tired and overloaded and perhaps feeling a little directionless - kinda not sure if all the stuff we're working so hard to accomplish is really worth accomplishing in the first place. Every so often it's good to let the guard down a bit on the blog, too. So here I am saying that yep, I'm in a bit of a funky space right now. Nothing too tragic going on, nothing overwhelming. And because I'm a good Christian, I'm obligated to say this: "I'll be fine. It's just a phase. It's not that bad."
I actually do feel o.k. about stuff - no false hope there. In a time like this, it's just a little harder to get out of bed, get to work, and put the smile on.
The trick for me at these times is to slow my mouth down and be careful about how I respond to others. If I don't, I'm likely to let something slip that is harmful to others, and I may not even mean. I think right about now would be a good time to find me a real, genuine, quiet monastic setting and spend some time in uncomfortable silence and prayer. Heck, if I'm uncomfortable as it is, I might as well be getting some spiritual work done, right? Solitude as discipline - not just as restful empty space. I think it accomplishes both, but it puts the restfulness in the Holy Spirit's court.
Whether or not I'm able to find this kind of space and time in a prolonged way, I'll be able to find small chunks of it here and there I'm sure. It just requires more intentionality.
And so I say this to myself, but you can join in:
"Father, on earth as in heaven this day."Peace of Christ to you and to me