Tuesday, May 23, 2006
It seems like everywhere I look these days, there's a lot of hype and noise over this new TV show or that new movie or some new band/artist or some old band/artists' new CD. If you've lived in our culture for the past few decades, it's all become pretty standard fare for you. And yet I find myself almost entirely bored by it all. Maybe the noise is getting louder lately because we've been so inoculated to it over the course of our lifetimes. And yet, not much is happening. I think I'm just itchy for the next breakthrough. I felt that way about the music scene in the late 80s, and thankfully some punk influenced Seattle bands broke through. Of less interest to me, but of an equally churning nature was the whole "Reality TV" thing several years ago. Movies? This summer looks a little better, but not much going on there lately either. Ho hum.
I really am being lulled to sleep here.
Obviously, the explosion of the internet, and especially the social networking that happens around the blogosphere, is disrupting and shaping pop culture. Maybe that's the shake-up I'm looking for. It just seems like it got domesticated in a hurry.
And maybe, just maybe the answer is that I'm bored with myself. Hmmmmm, could it be? I know that regular readers of this blog may cease that activity if I go around navel gazing all the time. But maybe a few introspective, transparent posts will turn something up. Whadya think? Got any questions for or about me (speaking more specifically to you lurkers out there)? Disagree with me about pop culture? Push back . . . feel free.