Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Jordon Cooper wasn't the first blogger I read regularly, but he was one of the first. He has served the blogosphere well, and I believe he's served the church well. In addition to serving in local churches, he's added immeasurably to the conversation we in the newer streams of our faith are having. He reads more books in a month than I do in a year, links to places on the web I've never heard of but are almost always worth going to. I've never met him, but would be honored to. He is facing some serious health concerns these days - some that he's willing to write about on his blog, and apparently, some that he's not. Much love and prayer have gone out all over the web for
Palmer and his intense physical/spiritual battles. For those of you who have joined this effort, I'd invite you to include Jordon and his family in your prayers too.