Sunday, March 06, 2005
There have been two pesky illnesses that lots of people around here are coming down with - a really nasty flu that knocks people out for a week and a half, and an annoying, but not devasting cold. I got the cold. Better than the alternative, but worse than not getting anything.
This morning I'm getting ready for part two of my preaching stint at a small church about 60 miles south of here. It was going to be about a five week run, but some things happened at the church and they called back saying they only needed me for two. That's cool. I'm just hoping my voice and energy hold up for the morning.
Things are hopping along with work and home life, etc. Michelle's been busy at work and riding horses again, so that's good. I'm still settling into a groove at my new job. I was assigned my first client with a murder on his record. This past week I also spent time in a mental health court and the psych unit of a hospital emergency room.
Lately I've been listening to some old Steve Taylor CDs and the new U2 disc. I'm increasingly aware of God's great gift to the world of art and artists. The beauty of what they create is enough for us to enjoy, but there's a prophetic element to the work that can be felt well beyond the moment of creation/performance. Insight, reflection, critique, worship all there.