Thursday, January 06, 2005
Some thoughts on this blog . . .
When I started this blog way back when, blogging was a novelty little thing that few people had ever heard of before. It's become quite the hip thing, though, and lots of folks are jumping into the blogosphere. I'm all for that.
It's interesting to think about how this blog has changed over the few years I've been doing it. It started as a connecting point for some dialogue I was having within the "emerging church" movement. It was mostly theological/doctrinal ponderings, with a little bit of personal life story thrown in. In the past year, it's been the other way around - except that the frequency of my posts has gone way way down. I think that says something about where I've been in life, but I won't speculate as to what it says.
In the days ahead, I really think it'll do me some good to re-engage this environment, but more on the level of how it started. I've done a lot of deconstructing and a little bit of reconstructing in my views of church. I'd like to continue that process in written form. Not so much for the sake of publishing "my wisdom" - God knows that wouldn't go very far. I just think this space is a helpful place for me to put thoughts that ramble around in my disorganized brain into actual sentences that I can test and be challenged on. And if there is wisdom or encouragement for you the reader, then so much the better. Those of you who do read this are always welcome to comment, question, or berate me. Keep it clean, though - I'd hate to get censored by the filtering software out there!