Monday, September 29, 2003
Things are settling a bit in my mind again. I had been having a pretty rough couple of weeks there - trying to slug a lot of things out on my own, knowing all the while that I'm not capable of handling all of this stuff of life on my own. It was a good reminder this weekend that I'm not the one building the church. All I can do is follow Jesus, and ask others along the way to come along with me. It's God's role to produce growth. That all sounds so simplistic that I too easily dismiss it . . . and yet the truth of it is profound and devastating.
I'm looking forward to what the next several weeks have in store. I've decided to accept an invitation to a house church retreat this coming weekend, several hours north of here. Then the next weekend, Michelle and I will be at another deal up in San Francisco. I'm too tired now . . . I hope I live to see November - my favorite person and I have a little getaway planned to Napa Valley, CA.