Friday, June 13, 2003
Yesterday was a really good day. I got to hang out a bit with two of my core group members, and they're both stoked and ready to go for it. I also met with Jeremy, the lead pastor of
The Movement in San Marcos. God's doing some pretty amazing things in that community - they've only been doing church for about a year and a half, but things are really taking off. I heard Jeremy say some things that have been rattling around in my head and conversations I've had with Michelle.
The Movement is experiencing something that I've questioned quite a bit. Ever since I began really forming my vision and direction for church planting, I've had the intention of keeping things pretty small and very very simple in terms of structure and leadership. I've definitely had a value of multiplication in mind. Something I've regularly said I didn't want is a big church - because I don't want to lose the intimacy of community, I don't want it turning into some big show, and I don't want it to be a personality driven thing. At The Movement, though, they've had some pretty similar values, but it's like God has had something different in mind for them. They haven't gone after the big crowds or the slick worship services, and they have not done any advertising, but what they're seeing is lots and lots of people showing up, looking for Jesus. People are getting healed. Worship is authentic. Their story does not seem to revolve around Jeremy, or his brother Jobey (who is their kick butt worship/arts leader). They want to plant a bunch of churches all over San Diego county.
So my question is - what if a church like that gets huge? Even to the point of being in a class of "mega" church?
So how 'bout it? I ask this especially for those of you in an organic/simple/house church environment. What if God had it in mind for your house church to spark some outbreak of an awakening? What if at your next house church gathering, five new people showed up? And the next time they all brought two friends, and then they brought more friends? I know that one of the values would be to multiply out the groups and develop multiple house churches out of this group. But one more question - what if things continued to grow, and it really was a Jesus thing, and you ended up with a couple hundred people wanting to know Jesus and life in the community? In particular, how would you handle it in terms of leadership? There could still be a strong apostolic role for leaders, but how about the pastor/teacher role?