Friday, February 14, 2003
I've been doing more wrestling with my thoughts and feelings about potential war in Iraq. I just listened to a round of statemtents to the
United Nations security council given by weapons inspectors and ambassadors from around the world. I'm pretty troubled by the degree to which the U.S. already has its mind made up and just seems to be going through the motions in working with the international community. Colin Powell can make all the passionate (and actually fairly compelling) arguments he wants, but when the other voices are heard, it's crystal clear that the U.S. holds a minority position. President Bush has already said that "we" will move forward with or without UN buy-in. On what grounds? I get the whole "regime change" thing in Afghanistan because of the sheltering of Osama Bin Laden - someone who had directly inflicted damage to our people. But has Saddam Hussein inflicted any such damage to our people . . . other than potentially threatening our precious supply of the oil we're so addicted to?
I'm no expert on any of this stuff, and I get easily frustrated when thinking and talking about it. Once in a while, though, it spills over.