Monday, November 18, 2002
I had lunch today with a couple of new friends - Matt and Melissa. Matt is a church planter in Chula Vista, CA in the early days of
Crossroads Church. Sounds like they've got some good stuff going on there, and they've just gotten started.
I made contact with Matt a couple of months back after having seen Crossroads on the
Acts 29 Network website. In my wrestlings in the direction of church planting over the past many months, I learned some things about Acts 29 that have resonated with me. It is a missional church planting network that helps new church plants with a mind toward constant reproduction . . . planting church planting churches (if that makes any sense at all). Michelle and I made the decision to go to the
A29 bootcamp in January 2003. We may or may not end up planting a church through Acts 29, but we believe this will be a good training ground for us.
I'm really looking forward to the bootcamp because I believe that I'll get some good training and theological challenge. I'm also looking forward to seeing how this sort of thinking meshes with some of my leanings toward organic church models. I am definitely excited about it. It represents a major commitment and move of faith for Michelle and I. It may spell the end of my days in my current ministry location and along with it the end of my days of a steady paycheck, but it's worth following after.