Monday, September 16, 2002
I've been realizing lately how many books I wish I could read. I am at some point in the process of reading at least six different books right now, but there are so many I haven't gotten my hands on yet. I like reading - it gets me fired up to read some really penetrating or enlightening thoughts. I don't read as much as
Jordan Cooper . . . I read somewhere on his website that his annual goal is to read something like 150 books! At the risk of sounding completely illiterate in the ways of postmodernity and faith, here is a short list of books I've never read, but hope to very soon:
The Divine Conspiracy by Dallas Willard
The Seven Story Mountain by Thomas Merton
More Ready Than You Realize by Brian McLaren
Soul Tsunami by Leonard Sweet
Houses that Change by Wolfgang Simpson
Good to Great by Jim Collins
Feel free to e-mail me with other suggestions.