Wednesday, September 11, 2002
I am experiencing my sense of patriotism today. I mourn with other Americans. I love my country and see how strong we are as a nation. But my patriotism is not enmeshed with my faith in God. I define myself first and foremost as a Jesus follower, and not as an American. My love for this country and the benefits I too easily take for granted is strong. My love for my God and the benefits I will enjoy into eternity is stronger.
I do mourn over the 3,025 lives lost one year ago today. But I also mourn the
3,200,000 people in Malawi who will die without immediate massive starvation relief. I don't mourn enough for either, though.
I'm not doing a very good job of describing the way I view my nationalism and my faith as separate parts of who I am. Check out Alan Creech's
Pledge of Allegiance and
Jason Evans' thoughts - they're on the mark where I am, and have said things better than I.